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Where Recommendations Matter

Build relationships. Earn points. Buy rewards.


Give a recommendation Today!

Students earn points for every recommendation they receive, and use points to buy rewards like internships, scholarships, and cool gifts!

Recommendations in Action

Learn more about the importance of recommendations.


  • Use points towards rewards like scholarships, internships and cool gifts!

  • Build relationships to make their network stronger

  • Connect with friends and find out what professionals have to say about them

  • Meet Roland G.


See how your teachers view you as an individual

- Teacher and counselor recommendations will enhance a student's college application by demonstrating the type of person they are as well as their readiness for college.


Earn recognition for giving back

- Recommendations for volunteering display a student's well - roundedness and their ability to commit. Students volunteering for several months to a year show an outstanding level of commitment.


Apply for a job with the backing of your recommenders

- Employers need recommendations primarily to ensure that the qualifications an applicant has are legitimate, their employment history is honest and their work ethic & personal values are going to have a constructive impact on the company.


Enter college with a network of supporters

- Colleges need help deciding if a student has the character and ability to function successfully at their institution. A strong teacher recommendation can bring a student to life for the admission committee and in some cases become the deciding factor.

About pointii

Recommendations help students to build strong and lasting relationships.

About Us

Pointii is a professional network for students (7th - 12th) which enables them to receive points through recommendations based on their performance in the classroom and community. In turn, students are able to use their points towards rewards like internships and cool gifts, also helping students meet the requirements of colleges and companies. 


Encourage students to build relationships with teachers, professionals, and like-minded students while empowering each one to reach their goals and aspirations. 

Give a recommendation Today!

Students earn points for every recommendation they receive, and use points to buy rewards like internships, scholarships, and cool gifts!

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